Do you enjoy expressing yourself creatively? Creating spontaneously is fun, and it invites inspiring new ideas for emotional growth.
Working with your unconscious mind, by tracking your dreams and journaling about significant life events can be very helpful in the depth therapy process.
Our minds and bodies store unprocessed experiences from the past, and this influences how we feel and think.
Respect for each individual’s needs, goals, values, and point of view is at the heart of our service. All of thoughts and feelings are welcome.
💛 Emotions – Deal with emotions like anger and sadness
💛 Relaxation – Art therapy can be a great way to relax
💛 Happiness – Art can not only help you deal with the bad stuff, but also help you appreciate and focus on the good
💛 Portraits – Often, a great way to get to know yourself and your relationships with others is through portraits
💛 Trauma and Loss – Activities that will ask you to face some unpleasant aspects of life, but with the goal of overcoming them
💛 Self – Examine aspects if who you are and how you see the world through these art projects
💛 Collaging – We create projects with cut and paste
💛 Gratitude – Here you’ll find a collection of projects that will help you be happy about what you have and express your gratitude for it
💛 Inside the Mind – Take a look inside your mind to see what’s going on